what lead people to question the church section 3 review

On October 31, 1517, German language scholar Martin Luther is said to accept nailed his argument against the Cosmic Church building's sale of better treatment after decease to a church door in Wittenberg.

Whether this actually happened is disputed, but what's non disputed is that his "95 Theses" quickly spread debate through Europe and led to an irrevocable carve up in Western Christianity.

Luther's influence tin nonetheless be felt — he's been credited with the rise of secular democracy, among other things — merely it was theology that he was concerned almost.

If all you lot know about the Reformation are references on The Simpsons, read on to find out why Luther disagreed with the Catholic Church.

Luther didn't like the fact people could purchase indulgences — or reduced punishment after death

The Catholic Church teaches that believers are purified in the fire of Purgatory before they reach heaven.

Catholicism teaches that believers are purified in the fire of Purgatory before reaching sky.( Flickr: Lawrence OP )

This was the subject area of the 95 Theses, and it was the disagreement that started it all.

Equally Oxford professor Diarmaid MacCulloch writes in A History Of Christianity: "An statement virtually a side alley of medieval soteriology [the study of salvation] escalated into the partitioning of Europe."

If you don't know what indulgences are, the Catholic Church'south definition is a practiced place to start:

Joel Hodge, from ACU'due south School of Theology, says the belief is that indulgences can reduce believers' need for purification from the effects of sin in Purgatory before they can enter heaven.

The sale of indulgences helped pay for the rebuilding of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.

The sale of indulgences helped pay for the rebuilding of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.( ABC News: Mary Gearin )

To this 24-hour interval they've been given out past the Church for acts of charity or the recital of prayers, as examples. You can use them for yourself or loved ones who take died.

Luther had a problem with the fact the Cosmic Church of his day was essentially selling indulgences — indeed, according to Professor MacCulloch, they helped pay for the rebuilding of Saint Peter'due south Basilica in Rome.

Later on, Luther appears to take dropped his conventionalities in Purgatory altogether. Certainly, he denied that a person's actions had any function to play in conservancy, saying faith alone was what counted.

The sale of indulgences was abolished by the Pope in 1567.

He believed Christians should hold to the Bible alone

This was some other of the major bug of the Protestant Reformation.

According to Dr Hodge, Catholics teach that divine revelation is communicated through scripture and tradition. For instance, they argue the living tradition (oral stories, practices) existed before the New Testament was written downwardly.

Examples of Cosmic tradition include clerical celibacy, papal infallibility and the immaculate formulation of Mary the mother of Jesus.

But Luther disapproved of any boosted traditions. He taught that the Bible alone was the source of revelation.

"Neither the Church nor the pope can establish articles of faith. These must come up from Scripture," he said.

Carole Cusack, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Sydney, says Luther didn't just reject clerical celibacy: he himself went on to become "the model for the Protestant clerical union".

Luther also direct contributed to putting the Bible into the hands of ordinary people, creating a highly influential German translation of the New Attestation.

But critics have argued it was the Catholic Church which determined the contents of the New Testament in the start place and that even Protestants accept beliefs that aren't spelled out by Scripture — for example, the universal baptism of infants.

He believed the Catholic Church got it wrong on salvation

This was (and, for many, remains) the defining difference between Protestants and Catholics.

Pope Benedict XVI addressed the "faith alone" belief in 2008.

Pope Benedict 16 addressed the "faith lonely" belief in 2008.

Luther believed people were saved by faith alone and that this was the summary of all Christian doctrine, and that the Cosmic Church of his day had got this wrong.

It'south often stated Catholics, past contrast to Protestants, believe a mixture of organized religion and works is necessary for conservancy.

It should exist noted, however, many Catholics believe their objection to "faith alone" has been misunderstood. They would say true faith can't actually be separated from works, and that Catholics concord it is grace that gives conservancy.

Indeed, Pope Benedict Xvi had this to say about Luther'southward behavior in 2008:

"Luther'due south phrase 'religion alone' is truthful, if it is non opposed to organized religion in clemency, in love. Faith is looking at Christ, entrusting oneself to Christ, being united to Christ, conformed to Christ, to his life. And the class, the life of Christ, is dearest; hence to believe is to accommodate to Christ and to enter into his beloved. So it is that in the Alphabetic character to the Galatians in which he primarily developed his teaching on justification, St Paul speaks of faith that works through love."

Protestants and Catholics accept been able to observe common ground on this issue in recent years. In 1999, Lutherans and Catholics officially reached a consensus on much of their beliefs about salvation.

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Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-31/what-martin-luther-thought-the-catholic-church-was-wrong-about/9031732

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